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“When you join LEO Pharma, you become part of an international community with a collaborative and empowering work culture”
I joined LEO Pharma as a newly grad less than a year ago - just after I completed my Master’s in Science Human Nutrition. When people ask me what I do, I usually find it difficult to explain because many people don’t know the depts of clinical trials. They are surprised to hear that my job is both creative and very challenging and involves multiple stakeholders around the world. My main task is to keep the trial master file up to date: keeping a virtual database with key documents of a trial.
I got involved with clinical trials in a hospital setting when I was doing my master’s thesis, and I knew right away that I wanted a career within the pharma industry, focusing on clinical trials. My biggest concern was that most clinical jobs requires experience, and I was so happy to find out that LEO Pharma welcomes newly grads.
One of the things that makes LEO Pharma special is the onboarding process. It was amazing, and really helped me understand the LEO Pharma culture and values, and how I fit into the bigger picture. It made me feel very welcome. I love the fact that my team is so age diverse – this brings about many perspectives and opportunities to learn from each other. What’s really great is that everyone in every role are encouraged to bring their input to the table.
If I could invite any life science pioneer for dinner,I would invite Charles Darwin (1809-1882), the famous British naturalist and biologist, known for his theory of evolution and the process of natural selection. I would be curious to learn if he still thinks the popularized *survival of the fittest* concept takes place today.